Musica de venezuela letra
Alam – Soy de Allá (Official Video)
«It’s a nice metaphor for a toxic relationship in the sense that it’s based on a saying that we used to say a lot in Venezuela. I really like words, phrases that evoke something different and interesting. I think that is the work of an artist and composer. I know that running with scissors is dangerous but it’s fun… There are a couple of phrases in this song that are not only cool but also relatable» .
«I think it’s a great phrase that saying that there’s some truth to it. There’s a lot of pain behind the phrase, a lot of satisfaction, a lot of frustration, and a lot of reality. What the song is, is an exploration between a boy and a girl who are talking each one with their points and their arguments… They are both right, but at the same time they are wrong. I really like lyrics that leave you with something and go beyond a nice melody, that you’re left with something that makes you feel in some way.»
«It’s my favorite song on the album and I still to this day listen to it a million times and get excited. It’s a song that came out so fast, and I think the lyrics are some of the best things I’ve ever done. I’m very critical of myself and I hate 70% of my catalog or more, depending if you catch me on a good day or a bad day, but this song has this simplicity and depth that one should look for in ballads. It’s a song that talks about exploring being alone in paradise, but what good is it to me if I can’t share it with someone? Overall, it’s the essence of the album… Sometimes you’re bad, sometimes you’re good.»
«mami linda». música: canción «venezuela». letra
La Canción «Venezuela» con letra de Pablo Herrero y José Luis Armenteros, está considerada por muchos como nuestro tercer Himno Nacional. Después del «Gloria al Bravo Pueblo» (de Vicente Salias y Juan José Landaeta) y del joropo «Alma Llanera» (compuesta por Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, basada en un texto de Rafael Bolívar
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World Music – Sexta Basica » Con aroma de cafe» 8
The line «soy como el viento en la mies» (I am like the wind in the harvest) is a curious phrase that confuses the singer into saying: «soy como el viento en la piel». The correct phrase is the first one in this paragraph. Mies is the name given to the grain when it is ripe and ready to be harvested. In general, harvest is used to refer to a crop and is widely used in biblical texts: «When you go into your neighbor’s harvest, you may cut the ears of grain with your hand, but you shall not apply a sickle to your neighbor’s harvest. (Deut 23:25 KJV-60).5
«I can tell you everything you want to know about the song Venezuela since I composed it and it is not true that we have not known that wonderful country. The song was made for Balbino and for the TH label (I don’t know if it still exists). We were in Caracas before and during the recording living in Las Mercedes. On weekends we would go to the beach in Higuerote to rest. We came back several times, one of them to produce the Pavo Real album. We got to know Maracaibo, Canaima, the savannah and the Caribbean. That’s what our eyes were filled with. I think I am Venezuelan by adoption because I want and wish to be and that song came from my soul. It is true about the volcano but it was the perfect word to evoke the heat in contrast with the snow… You have a fabulous country, magnificent in its contrasts and its landscapes but best of all… its people. A kiss to all of you». Pablo Herrero.
Canserbero – De Venezuela [Letra] [Letra].
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It is one of those lyrics that here we accept just like that, without worrying too much about the meaning, since they are usually played at parties or dance halls and the main intention of the song is to move the body. However, if we stop to analyze the lyrics, I am curious: What does it mean that a woman has a lot of tempo and a lot of down?
The expressions «tener down» or «tener tempo» have a particular meaning within the context of Latin rappers/reggaetoneros and come to mean something like «tener ritmo», usually used to show off, like having «flow» (fluency when rapping or singing) or having «swag» (good clothes/appearance).
I have the down, which would be the hip-hop trot, and I put it to work with bossa nova: the hybrid has no swing but the lyrics are a childlike vision of the 1970s, through a parade of grenadiers.